How to hacked a basic printer to a WLAN printer

Equipment required to hacked basic printer into WLAN printer

A normal printer which is connected to our machine using usb cable can turn into a wlan printer.
We took Hackberry Board as embedded board for doing this experiment.

hacked basic printer


 Install a linux on Board {linaro} :

from prebuilt or cross compiled by your own
get the prebuilt image from

  $gunzip linaro_hf_3.0.36_1gb.img.gz
  $dd if=linaro_hf_3.0.36_1gb.img of=/dev/<device>
  $sudo sync

insert your mmc card into the hackberry and install the following

Install a printer software on board :

  $sudo wget
    //place this firmware in /lib/firmware/hp/sihp1020.dl
  $sudo apt-get install hplip  

Install cups-server on board

for installing the cups

  $sudo apt-get install cups

for  configuring the cups

  $sudo cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.original
  $sudo chmod a-w /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.original

changes in config

  comment Listen localhost:631
  add Listen 192.168.2.xx:631

Setup the wifi on board

Add wifi setting in /etc/network/interface       

  $sudo nano /etc/network/interface
  auto wlan0
  iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  wpa-ssid “ssid”
  wpa-psk “passwd”


In client machine

Open a browser in client laptop and browse for 192.168.2.xx:631

cups page will be visible , then add the printer configuration to the cups

and also you can manage the printer remotely on the same network.

What to read next